Here’s a very interesting project, and one that was a head scratcher for our designer and our extremely skilled installer. A very long narrow room with sloping ceilings in both directions in a loft extension.
Fitted Storage Solutions for Unusual Rooms
The conundrum for our client was what to do with a lot of floor space but not much ceiling space. Freestanding wardrobes were a non-starter, and standard sized fitted furniture available from the national companies left so much filler with chopped-off standard doors that the high standard finish of this gorgeous house in a beautiful coastal location was compromised.
Ideally, they wanted a lot of storage in this huge bedroom; and as it was on the second floor, creating a dressing room from another room meant scaling the stairs, which was just not practical.
Our clever designer suggested that the room be made smaller and more cosy (which still left it very roomy indeed). This created a separate dressing area for drawers to leave a clean and uncluttered feel to the main bedroom. Deane’s flexible front framed wardrobe was the perfect solution. Our team crafted a seamless connection to the dressing room with these through doors; allowing the client to truly enjoy this beautiful space.
Our skilled installer created the frame for the new fitted wardrobe/room divider and accommodated the sloping ceiling into the header frame you can see here.
The ceiling slopes both ways on the left, which took careful work to incorporate the slope into the very simple looking solution you see here. But, that’s the essence of a skilled artisan; the ability to blend awkward fixed features into a smooth and integrated finished design. The soft edged simple doors compliment the room beautifully.
You can see why we use the word handbuilt’ in our description, it’s what we do everyday.
Create the Perfect Storage Solution for Your Home
If you have an awkward space, or you’d like to transform your home with useful, practical and beautiful storage solutions, get in touch today! Alternatively, pop into the showroom – we’re open from Monday to Saturday between 9 and 5; with over a hundred colour and door options, our expert designers are happy to help bring your vision to life.
We are different – we won’t pressure you into booking a sales’ appointment. Instead an experienced designer can guide you knowledgeably through your storage solution options. If you bring your sizes and a photo or two you could leave with an idea of design, colours, and a sample or two to get your project started right away. The coffee is always on!